Abstract :
NUR?AINI NAZHIROH A.1510565. The supplementation effect of Spirulina
platensis fluor on the feed Against the Growth and Feed Efficiency of Goldfish
(Carassius auratus). Under Supervision of Mulyana and Fia Sri Mumpuni.
The research is aimed to know the supplementation effect of different
concentration of Spirulina platensis fluor on artificial feed against the growth and
feed efficiency of goldfish. The experimental research was carried out on
September 2018 until April 2019 at The Fisheries Laboratory, Djuanda
University, Bogor. The experimental research used completely randomized design
with 4 treatments and each 3 replications. The treatments are K (Control, without
supplementation of Spirulina platensis fluor), A (30 g of Spirulina platensis fluor
+ 1 kg of artificial feed), B (60 g of Spirulina platensis fluor + 1 kg of artificial
feed), and C (90 g of Spirulina platensis fluor + 1 kg of artificial feed). The total
length growth, the weight growth, feed efficiency, and water quality (temperature,
pH, dissolved oxygen, and NH3) had been evaluated. The results of research
showed there was a significantly different between treatments for the growth and
feed efficiency (P<0.05). The best results were obtained in treatment B with an
average total length growth of 2.19 cm, average weight growth of 1.51 g, and
average feed efficiency of 30.26%. Water quality during the research are
temperaure of 25.6-27.5oC, pH of 7.2-8.3, DO of 6.2-7.1 mg/L, and NH3 of 0.01-
0.30 mg/L.
Key words : Goldfish, Spirulina platensis, growth, feed efficiency.