Abstract :
SITI MALIHATUL AVIAH. A1510875. Supply Chain and Value Added
Analyzes of Javanese Ginger (Curcuma xanthorrhiza) (A Case Study in Taman
Sringanis Processing Industry, Bogor). Under immediate supervision of Himmatul
Miftah and Ita Novita.
Javanese ginger is an herbal commodity commonly used in natural herbal
medicine processing industry. Increasing consumption of natural herbal medicines
should be appropriately managed and developed by natural medicine
agroindustry. Better concern should be given to good management of supply chain
of input distribution activity. Cost efficiency is one of the parameters used to
measure the success of supply chain. Value added assessment is another indicator
which can be used to assess the performance of a supply chain in Javanese ginger
processing industry. Taman Sringanis processing industry in an agroindustry in
Bogor which is facing problems in its supply chain. This industry is experiencing
difficulties in raw material supply continuity and improper business management.
This study was aimed at assessing supply chain activities, marketing efficiency,
and value added of Javanese ginger as raw material for the production of natural
herb medicines in Taman Sringanis processing industry. Data were subjected to
descriptive and quantitative analyzes. Descriptive analysis was conducted by
identifying supply chain activities and quantitative analysis was conducted by
determining the marketing efficiency and value added. Results showed that there
were two marketing channels and the activities involved in supply chain included
information flow, good flow, and financial flow. Results of efficiency analysis
showed that efficient margin value and farmer?s share were obtained in marketing
channel 1. Results of value added analysis by using the Hayami Method revealed
that a value added of Rp 57,791.65 per kg was resulted from processing raw
Javanese ginger into Javanese ginger extract.
Key words: medicinal plant, Javanese ginger, supply chain, value added