Abstract :
SYAILENDRA SYAHPUTRA SIAHAAN A.1510945. Effects of the Inclusion
of Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia L.) Fruit Extract in Drinking Water on the
Quality of Quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica) Eggs. Under immediate
supervision of Hanafi Nur and Anggraeni.
Egg quality is assessed from its external parameters including color, shape, weight
and internal parameters including haugh unit (HU), yolk color, and albumin
content. This study was aimed at assessing the quality of eggs of quails given
drinking water containing bitter melon fruit extract. The study was conducted at a
trial farm of Djuanda University, Bogor from February to March 2019. One?hundred quails aged 30 days were allocated into 4 treatments and 5 replicates in a
completely randomized design. Treatments consisted of 0% inclusion of bitter
melon fruit extract (R0, control), 2.5% inclusion of bitter melon fruit extract (R1),
5% inclusion of bitter melon fruit extract (R2), 7.5% inclusion of bitter melon
fruit extract (R3), and 10% inclusion of bitter melon fruit extract (R4).
Measurements were taken on egg index, shell weight, shell thickness, yolk color,
and HU. Data were subjected to an analysis of variance and a Duncan test.
Results showed that no significant effect of treatment was found in all parameters
Key words: quail, bitter melon fruit extract, egg quality