Abstract :
Ari Irawan. B.1510263. Gelatinization Profiles and Physical Properties of Ripe
and Overripe Canistel Flour (Pouteria campechiana). Supervised by Aminullah
and Sri Rejeki Retna Pertiwi.
This research aims to study gelatinization profile and physical properties
of ripe and overripe canistel flour. The research methods included testing the
chemical properties of the canistel fruit,making canistel flour, and testing the
gelatinization and physical properties of canistel flour. Data statistically analyzed
using the independent sample T-tes with two replication. Analyzed fruit with flour
includes chemical, physical and gelatinization profile. Analyzed of the chemical
properties of canistel fruits include water content, starch content, and sugar
content, while analyzed canistel flour includes gelatinization profile, shape and
size of starch granules with color test. The results of the analyzed showed that the
water content and sugar content of ripe canistel fruit is higher than those of
overripe canistel fruit, while the lower starch content. The total starch and
amylose content of ripe canistel flour is higher than that of overripe flour.
Analyzed the results of gelatinization profile show that the ripe canistel flour has a
peak viscosity, final viscosity, and higher gelatinization temperature than the
finished canistel flour and the gelatinization faster time. Analysis of the physical
properties of the color parameters of canistel flour produces the reddish yellow
color, while of the shape and size of the canistel flour starch granule shape that are
round with size ranges between 2-7 µm.
Keywords: Canistel fruit, canistel flour, gelatization profile.