Abstract :
AULIA ZAHRA. B.1410646. Fingerprint of DNA from Raw and Processed Pork
Fats Using Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (Real-Time PCR). Supervised
by Mardiah, Aminullah, and Raafqi Ranasasmita.
Pork adulteration occurs frequently, and become a big problem for muslim. Real?time PCR is developed to detect a substance in molecular amount. The objective
of the research was to determine the best DNA extraction method on fork fats,
determine specific primers for amplification of DNA from pork fats and see the
effect of the processing on the DNA produced. This research used three DNA
extraction methods, namely Phenol Chloroform, Chelex 100, and Kogene Kit. The
results showed that all three extraction methods could extract DNA from pork
fats. The higest DNA yield was achieved by Phenol Chloroform method with an
average concentration of 456.906 ng /µl; 2,022 A260/A280 ratio; Cq 15,1758; and
Tm 86,274ºC. The specific primer for amplifying DNA from pork fats is D?LOOP22 primer because it has the lowest Cq value and has only one Tm value.
The difference in extraction methods and processing has a real influence on the
results of the concentration of DNA produced. This result shows that the research
is capable of extracting DNA from pork fats.
Keywords: Pork fats, DNA extraction method, Real-time PCR, Halal