Abstract :
Erna Rostika. B.1410647. The physicochemical characteristics of cocoa beans
(Theobroma cacao L.) for chocolate products from several production centers of West
Sumatra and South Sulawesi. Under Immediate Supervision of Noli Novidahlia, Tiana
Fitrilia and Elsera Br Tarigan.
The quality of cocoa in Indonesia is still low, so that it is unable to compete in
foreign markets. This study aims to determine the physical and chemical
characteristics of cocoa beans produced from each of the 9 farmer regions to be
processed into chocolate products and get consumer preference for chocolate from
one of the production centers of West Sumatra and South Sulawesi cocoa bean
producers (Theobroma cacao L.). The factors of this study are the West Sumatra
cocoa beans producing region (A1 = SB1 farmers), (A2 = SB2 farmers), (A3 = SB3
farmers), (A4 = SB4 farmers), (A5 = SB5 farmers), (A6 = SB6 farmers), (A7 = SB7
farmers), (A8 = SB8 farmers), (A9 = SB9 farmers), and South Sulawesi with treatment
(B1 = SS1 farmers), (B2 = SS2 farmers), (B3 = SS3 farmers ), (B4 = SS4 farmer), (B5
= SS5 farmer), (B6 = SS6 farmer), (B7 = SS7 farmer), (B8 = SS8 farmer), (B9 = SS9
farmer). The results showed that the best quality from the area of West Sumatra was
cocoa beans produced from SB1 and South Sulawesi farmers from SS1 farmers who
were processed into chocolate. Judging from the physical test of cocoa beans these
two regions have seed levels <85 the number of seeds in 100 grams with the criteria
AA and quality I based on the overall results of physical tests. The cocoa beans
produced by SB1 farmers have a content of 3,05% moisture content, 36,56% fat
content and 732,51 mg GAE/g polyphenols, while the cocoa beans produced by SS1
farmers have a moisture content of 4,45%, fat content 44,29%, polyphenols 802,00
mg GAE/g. Panelists' preference for West Sumatra and South Sulawesi chocolates
was not significantly different, but panelists preferred the West Sumatra chocolate.
The cocoa beans produced in this study as a whole are in accordance with
predetermined standards because they are fermented.
Keywords: chocolate, cocoa beans, physicochemistry, production centers.