Abstract :
Gugum Chandra Gumilar. B.1510205. Characteristics of Milk Pasteurization
Quality With the Addition of Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale var amarum)
During Low Temperature Storage. Supervised by Tiana Fitrilia and Lia Amalia.
Pasteurized milk is one of liquid processed milk that consumed and is easily to
damage. Addition of emprit ginger extract is expected to improve quality and
resitance to microbial contamination. The research using analysis of variance (RAL)
with two factors that is ginger concentration of 3.5%, 4,5%, 5,5%, and storage time
of 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours with twice repetition. The product analysis included
microbiology test (TPC), and phsycal test (pH). Furthermore, the selected
pasteurized milk was chemical test (Protein) and organoleptik test (Hedonic). The
result showed that ginger concentration and storage time affect the total plate count
and pH. The selected pasteurized milk has a protein content of 3,5% and accorded to
the organoleptic test the addition of emprit ginger extract was acceptable to panelist.
Keywords: Gingger extract, Microbe, Milk pasteurization.