Abstract :
HALIMAH. B1410534. Formulated Production of Snack Bar Resistant
Starch Type III Egg Fruit Powder (pouteria champeciana) by addition of Almond
Nuts. Supervised by Intan Kusumaningrum dan Lia Amalia.
Resistance starch type III egg fruit powder (RS3) is food material which
is known yet to produce as food produced as raw material for producing snack bar
with additional of almond nut. Snack bar is kind of snack shape like stick and it?s
raw materials are sereal and nuts. Additional of almond nuts is hoped to increase
taste and nutrient value of snack bar. Purpose of it?s research is to find out
presentage quality RS3 egg fruit powder and almond nuts rightly to produce snack
bar and also to find out nutrient value, chalorie, and food fiber in snack bar.
Research using model of RAL one factor only, that is formulation between RS3
egg fruit powder and almond nuts with three treatments, that is 60g RS3 and 40g
almond nuts, 50g RS3 and 50g almond nuts, and 40g RS3 and 60g almond nuts
with twice sample. Output data of research with statistic test that is ANOVA on
level ? = 0.05, and futherwore with Duncan. Output of research showed
differentiabe of concentration of RS3 egg fruit powder with almond nut
influenceof test hedonic and test quality sensori snack bar. Selected formulation
from three treatments based on organoleptic test that is formulation to 40g RS3
and 60g almond nut, this selected formulation is continued with proximate,
chalorie and food fiber.
Keywords: almonds nut, egg fruit powder, snack bar RS3 and almonds nut.