Abstract :
Hani Khaerudina. B1410423. Characteristic of Mix Ambon Banana (Musa
paradisiaca L.) and Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Jam with Variation of Citric
Acid Concentration and Sugar Type. Supervised by Sri Rejeki Retna Pertiwi and
Dwi Aryanti Nur?utami
Ambon banana and potato contained potassium and has similiar flesh
color. The aim of the research was to study the effect of citric acid and sugar
concentrations on the characteristics of Ambon banana and potato (baneto) jam.
The baneto study consisted of two stages. Stage I was the determination of citric
acid concentration consisting of three levels (0.15%, 0.30%, and 0.45%), stage II
was the determination of three type of sugar (sucrose, mix sucrose and fructose,
and fructose). This study uses a completely randomized design (CRD) method of
one factor. With ANOVA as a statistical analysis and continued with the Duncan
test. Stage I analysis included hedonic test and pH, while stage II analysis
included sensory quality, hedonic, and total dissolved solids (TPT) tested, for
selected jam analysis included chemical tested (dietary fiber, potassium, arsenic
contamination, and water activity / aw) and microbial tested (total plate count /
TPC, coliform bacteria and molds / yeasts). The results of stage I of the research
was the jam with the best pH it was about 4.66 with a concentration of 0.30%
citric acid, the results of the second phase of the research was the use of fructose
sugar with a total dissolved solids of 67.2%. The selected baneto jam had a fiber
content about 5.48%, 263.54 mg / 100 g potassium, 0 mg / kg arsenic
contamination,with water activity about 0.829. The result of microbial test of the
jam was total plate count, coliform bacteria, and mols/yeast. There was about <1
x 10 colonies / g, < 3 APM / g, and < 1 x 10 colonies/ g respectively.
Keywords : banana and potato jam, citric acid, fructose, sucrose.