Abstract :
LIEVIENA NOSAVELINDA. B.1410577. Characteristics of Canistel (Pouteria
campechiana) Ice Cream with Different Concentration of Canistel Puree and CMC
Addition. Skripsi. Supervised by Rosy Hutami and Sri Rejeki Retna Pertiwi.
Canistel is a nutritious tropical fruit native to Central America. Ice cream is
one of dairy products and one of popular desserts across the world. Ice cream was
supplemented with canistel puree as a diversification of canistel and it was expected
to be not only delicious but nutritious ice cream as well. The aim of this research
was to evaluate the effects of canistel puree and CMC concentration on the quality
characteristics of canistel ice cream. Canistel ice cream was prepared using three
different concentration of cansitel puree (canistel flesh 75% + water 25%, canistel
flesh 50% + water 50%, canistel flesh 25% + water 75%) and three different
concentration of CMC (0,2%, 0,4%, 0,6%). Analysis of the quality characteristics
of canistel ice cream included physical and sensory characteristics, followed by
chemical characteristics for the selected canistel ice cream. Data were analyzed
using analysis of variance and followed by Duncan test if the effect was significant
(p<0.05). Results showed that the best quality of canistel ice cream was the canistel
ice cream made from canistel puree with ratio of canistel flesh 50% + water 50%
and CMC concentration 0,2%. It had moisture content 76,56%, ash 1,21%, protein
6,85%, fat 3,12%, carbohydrate 12,25% and betacarotene 0,25 mg/kg.
Keywords : canistel, CMC, ice cream, sensory quality.