Abstract :
Raden Ratih Farhaniah. B.1510204. Characteristics of Quality Physicochemical
and Sensory Velva Kopyor (Cocos nucifera L.) with CMC Addition (Carboxy
Methyl Cellulose). Supervised by Aminullah dan Titi Rohmayanti.
Velva is the food of frozen dessert made from fruit puree and or vegetables.
The objective of this research was to study the effect of ratio between kopyor and
water as well as the CMC addition on characteristics physicochemistry and
sensory of velva kopyor. This research is using analysis of variance (RAL) with
two factors that is ratio between kopyor and water (100:0, 75:25, 50:50) and CMC
concentration (0%, 0,25%, 0,50%), with twice repetition. The product analysis
included physical quality test (viscosity, overrun, melting time) and sensory
(sensory and hedonic quality) of velva kopyor. Furthermore, the selected velva
kopyor was analyzed its chemical properties. The results showed that ratio of
puree kopyor and water affected texture quality, aroma quality, viscosity, overrun,
and melting time of velva kopyor. While the CMC addition affected texture
quality, color quality, viscosity, overrun, and melting time. Velva kopyor was
chosen was velva kopyor with ratio puree kopyor and water of 75:25 and CMC of
0,25% which has moisture, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, energy contents, and
oligosaccharides of 69,61%, 1,50%, 2,47%, 11,49%, 15,03%, and 173,41
Kcal/100g sample, and 6,29, respectively.
Keywords: velva kopyor, kopyor, water, CMC