Abstract :
SUMI FITRI ANDINI. B.1510711. Pumpkin Drying (Cucurbita sp) by the Tray
Drying Method and its Effect on Physical-chemical Properties and ?-carotene
content. Skripsi. Under guidance Tiana Fitrilia, Mardiah, Sri Widowati
Pumpkin is one of the most abundant foodstuffs in Indonesia. This study
aims to determine the physicochemical properties and nutritional content and ??carotene in the flour of three varieties of pumpkin. This research consists of two
stages, namely preliminary research and main research. Preliminary research was
conducted to determine the best pre-treatment in order to obtain the highest levels
of beta carotene. The treatments in the preliminary research were blanching,
soaking with sodium metabisulfite, and control. The main research was carried out
by testing the physico-chemical properties and ?-carotene content of three types
of pumpkin, namely pumpkin parang, kabocha and butternut (honey gourd).
Preliminary research results show that the best pre-treatment is soaking with
sodium metabisulfite which has the lowest water content of 8.48%, the highest ??carotene is 0.99 mg / g, the L* (lightness) value is 85.405, a* (redness) is - 0.07,
and b* (yellowness) of 41.20. The main research results showed that pumpkin
flour of the three varieties had moisture content ranging from 12-16%, ash content
ranging from 9-11%, protein ranging from 8-16%, fat ranging from 1-5%,
carbohydrates ranging from 70-79%, crude fiber. ranged from 14-21%, beta?carotene ranged from 2-4 mg / g, energy ranged from 363-388 cal, yield of flour
per whole fruit ranged from 8-10%, water binding capacity ranged from 7-9 mL /
g, density of cages ranged from 0.55 -0.64 g / mL, L* color ranges from 72-85, a*
ranges from 10-21, b* ranges from 47-58, peak viscosity ranges from 1411-3707
cP, hot viscosity ranges from 1128-1329 cP, breakdown ranges from 185- 2378
cP, final viscosity ranged from 1678-3365 cP, setback ranged from 452-2036 cP,
peak time ranged from 1-6 s, and gelatinization temperature ranged from 50,17-
67,62 0C.
Keywords : Pumpkin, pumpkin flour, ?-carotene, physico-chemical.