Abstract :
Nawang Setyowati. B1610484. Evaluation of Accelerated Shelf Life Testing in
Flavored Milk Drink with Q10 and Arrhenius Method at PT XYZ Bogor. Supervised
by Sri Rejeki Retna Pratiwi and Ardy Brian Lizuardi.
The shelf life of the most food products is determined by the changes of their sensory
properties. Decrease in food products quality like in the flavored milk drink occurs
not only on sensory properties, but also physicochemical changes. In order to ensure
shelf life of flavored milk drinks, food companies would use many testings for shelf
life estimation. The aim of this study was to determine shelf life and to explore the
most suitable accelerated shelf life testing method for flavored milk drinks. Under
Q10 method, changes in sensory properties were used to determine food product shelf
life, in this research samples were stored at 37 ? C for 100 and 120 days. Under
Arrhenius method, physicochemical changes of the sample were observed. Samples
were stored at three different temperature (35, 40 and 45 ? C) for 9 weeks. The
observed physicochemical changes were whey off, pH, brix, viscosity, sedimentation,
color (absorbance), free fatty acid (%FFA), and sensory test (Different Control Test).
The result showed a significant correlation between physicochemical changes and
storage time using Q10 method. This includes whey off, viscosity, and %FFA for
chocolate milk drink and whey off, viscosity, sedimentation, and %FFA for tiramisu
milk drink. The Q10 shelf life estimation of both chocolate and tiramisu flavored
milk drink are 12 months. While Arrhenius shelf life estimation of chocolate flavored
milk drink is 6,6 months, and 3 months for tiramisu. The most suitable accelerated
shelf life method for flavored milk drinks is Q10 method using sensory properties.
Keyword: Flavored Milk Drink, Q10 method, Arrhenius Method