Abstract :
RANI FAIZAH. B1710342. Effect of Fermentation Time on pH, Alcohol content,
Antioxidant Activity and Hedonic Test on Kombucha Butterfly pea Flower (Clitoria
ternatea). Supervised by Intan Kusumaningrum and M. Fakih Kurniawan.
Kombucha is a fermented beverage made from a solution of tea and sugar
with the help of SCOBY (Bacteria and Symbiotic Yeast Culture). Telang flower
extract (Clitoria ternatea) which contains high enough anthocyanins and flavonoids
can be used for making kombucha. The purpose of this study was to study the effect
of fermentation time on pH, antioxidant activity, alcohol content and hedonic testing
on selected Clitoria ternatea kombucha. The treatment in this study was the time of
fermentation thas is 3, 7, 10, and 14 days. The results showed that fermentation time
affected pH, alcohol content, antioxidant activity in kombucha Clitoria ternae.
Kombucha which has alcohol content which is in accordance with MUI Fatwa No.
DN29 / Dir / LPPOM MUI / IX / 18 (<0.5%) and pH <3.00 is fermentation 3 and 7
days. Both treatments were sensory tested using a hedonic test. The results obtained
by fermentation 3 days were more about harmony with a taste score of 5.9, aroma
and 4.3 color, pH 3.00, alcohol 0.063%, and antioxidant activity 58.03% inhibition.
Keywords : fermentation, kombucha, butterfly pea flower