Abstract :
Lesta Herliana. B.1510850. Pshysicochemical and Sensory Characteristic of
Crystal Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Syrup. Supervised by Rosy Hutami and Dwi
Aryanti Nur?utami.
A crystal guava fruit has not been much processed as a food product. The
purpose of this study were to utilize crystal guava fruit in the form of processed
syrup and to determine the effect of ratio of the guava flesh vs water and sugar
concentration to the characteristic of crystal guava syrup. The experimental design
that used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with two
factors. The first factor was the ratio of guava flesh and water which consist of three
levels, namely A1 (30:70), A2 (40:60), A3 (50:50) and the second factor was sugar
concentration that also consist of three levels, namely B1 (50%), B2 (60%), B3
(70%). Product analysis included chemical test (total sugar), physical test (viscosity
and total dissolved solids), microbial analysis (total plate count) and sensory test
(quality and hedonic test) of selected crystal guava syrup. Statistical analysis was
done by using ANOVA with Duncan. The selected crystal guava syrup treatment
was the ratio of guava flesh and water 50:50 and sugar concentration 70%.It had
total sugar, viscosity and total dissolved solid (TDS) about 75,11%, 9,92 cP and
77,70?brix, respectively. Selected guava syrup was tested for total plate count and
the result obtained was 7,7x101 CFU/mL that had conformed to SNI 3544:2013.
Key word : Crystal guava, Sugar, Syrup