Abstract :
Salma Shafira Fatin. B.1610396. Comparison of the Physicochemical and
Organoleptic Properties of Beef, Rat Meat, and Mixed Beef Meatballs. Under the
guidance of Lia Amalia, S.S., S.T., M.T and Dr. Nur'Aini Herawati, S.Si., M.Sc.
Bakso is a processed meat product favored by the Indonesian people. The
raw material for meatballs in general is beef, chicken or fish. The unstable price of
meat causes producers to commit fraud by adding other meat in the making of
meatballs. This study aims to determine the physico-chemical differences between
beef meatballs, rat meatballs, and mixed rat beef meatballs. This study used a
completely randomized design with 1 factor with 3 treatments and 2 replications
for every treatments. The treatment of A1 was 100% beef, A2 was 100% rat meat
and A3 was beef: 50%: 50% rat meat. The data was analyzed using Analysis of
variance (ANOVA) and followed by Duncan's New Multiple Range Test
(DNMRT) at the 5% level on organoleptic, chemical and physical tests. The
results showed that parameter sensory quality test had a significant effect on the
color of meatballs and had no effect on the elasticity of the meatballs. Chemical
tests showed a significant effect on ash content and protein content and had no
significant effect on moisture, fat, carbohydrate and fiber content. The average
values of A1, A2, and A3 for the ash content were 0.49%, 0.94% and 1.06%. The
average protein values were 5.50%, 4.59% and 5.10%. Physical test showed a
significant effect on the binding power of meatball water. The average scores of
A1, A2, and A3 for binding water were 31.58%, 21.15% and 21.37%,
Keywords: beef meatball, rat meat, rat mixed beef.