Abstract :
Asep Burhanudin. NIM F.1610338. Academic supervision headmaster
as a act to improve the teacher profesionality at Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah (MI)
Hidayatussa?adiyah Sukabumi Regency. Islamic Education Management,
Faculty of Teacher Training, Djuanda University. 2020th.
The goals of this research to expalin or describe a planning and practice of
academic supervision, and to explain how to improve the teacher profesionality
with headmaster academic supervision. Academic supervision is an activity of
coaching by the principal to the object determined to improve the quality of
aspects to be improved. Academic supervision begins with planning as a
framework or reference in implementation. Furthermore, the implementation
uses techniques that can be adjusted to the needs. The purpose of academic
supervision is to improve the ability of teachers to manage learning, improve
teacher competency. This reflects that academic supervision is an activity that
can be carried out as an effort to improve teacher professionality.
Professionality is the attitude, commitment, motivation of a teacher in pursuing
his professionality. Professionality is formed through sociable aspects,
personality with the ability of teachers to manage learning well. In the fact of
research findings, academic supervision is carried out as one of the efforts that
can be done to improve teacher professionality. This study aims to find out,
analyze, understand and explain academic supervision by school principals in
an effort to improve teacher professionality. This research is qualitative
research, the research method used is case study research with observation case
study research type. This research was conducted in MI Hidayatussa'adiyah
Sukabumi Regency. Research subjects in this study are the principal, school
supervisor and teacher. Data collected using observation, interview and
documentation techniques. In addition, in analyzing data using data reduction
methods, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The data validity testing
technique uses triangulation techniques and source triangulation techniques.
This research resulted in findings on very substantial matters that the efforts
made through academic supervision were able to improve teacher
professionality. In addition, teacher competence is a very important factor in
shaping teacher professionality.
Keywords : Education Supervision, Teacher Competention, Teacher