Abstract :
Mayang Reza Maulana, NIM: H.1411187; Teacher's Strategy to Improve Student
Learning Outcomes Through Online Learning Class IV SDN Kedep. Thesis.
Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Djuanda University, Bogor. 2021.
This study aims to describe online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic as
a learning strategy and learning outcomes for Class IV students at SDN Kedep. The
question to be answered from this research is: how is online learning during the
COVID-19 pandemic What is the online learning strategy during the COVID-19
pandemic and how are the results of online learning during the COVID-19
This study used a qualitative method, the informants of this study were the head
of the madrasa, the fourth grade teacher at SDN Kedep, and 2 students in grade IV
at SDN Kedep. The data collection of this research was done through interviews,
and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data
compilation and categorization.
The results of this study are as follows: (1)Learning strategies as online
learning plans use learning approaches and models to achieve learning objectives.
The approach is to explain the material through videos, students who go offline
learn the material from the LKS, the method is that the teacher makes a video
explaining the material and then sends it via WhatsApp. Online is done every day
while offline is determined by itself, the collection of tasks is in accordance with
the teacher's agreement. The media uses photos or videos, students collect their
assignments via a Google form link. The material comes from textbooks and
worksheets and is in accordance with basic competencies, then the teacher makes
questions as learning evaluations. (2) student learning outcomes show that not all
students can undergo online learning and student learning outcomes are not all
achieved due to various factors such as students not have a mobile phone or
WhatsApp application, internet sinyals that are difficult to reach because students'
homes are in the village, students' awareness of their responsibilities in doing
assignments is still lacking, and parental awareness and environmental conditions
are less supportive so that student learning outcomes are less than optimal.
Keywords: Online Learning, Learning Strategies, Learning Outcomes