Abstract :
Quality financial reports can show that the Regional Head also has the right
responsibility with the authority that has been given to him in carrying out his
responsibilities in managing the organization. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of HR competence, information technology and internal control
systems on the timeliness of financial reporting and its effects on financial reports.
The quantitative descriptive approach used in this research design. The population
in this study were employees at village offices spread across 29 villages in 3
districts in the southern part of Bogor Regency. The unit of analysis in this study is
employees who are directly involved and responsible for the preparation and
management of financial reports. The sampling technique used was purposive
sampling with a sample size of 116 respondents. Data analysis for path analysis
and multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the
competence of human resources, information technology and internal control
systems through timeliness have an effect on the quality of financial reports.
Keywords: Competence, Information Technology, Internal Control, Timeliness,
Quality, Financial Report.