Abstract :
Dwi Rachma Fahira, NIM H. 1710526 Professional Teacher Performance
during the covid-19 pandemic at bojongkulur 01 state elementary school, elementary
school teacher-education thesis, faculty and education, djuanda bogor university, 2021.
This research aims , 1. Knowing how a professional teacher performs at the
postcovid-19 period in the learning planning aspect, 2. Knowing how a professional
teacher performs in the time of hindcovid-19 in the performance of learning, 3. Knowing
how a professional teacher performs in improving the performance of learning students.
The study uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. With the data-gathering
techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques
use data reduction, data presentation, and deduction drawing. The results of the study are
(1) Professional teacher performance at elevate covid-19 in the aspect of learning
planning seen by the teacher in a classroom classroom, determining the learning strategy,
drawing up a design based on the strategy used, the development capability is performed.
(2) professional teacher performance at the elevate covid-19 period in the performance of
learning seen from teachers in the learning strategies used, material delivery, media used,
class Settings. (3) The role of a professional teacher's performance in improving student
learning at bojongkulur public school.
Keywords : Teacher Performance, Professional Teachers, Pandemic