Abstract :
This study aims to determine whether taro leaf extract gel (Colocasia escluenta L) has activity for type II burns against rabbits (Octolygus cuniculus) and to determine which treatment dose is the most effective and has the best type II burn healing effectiveness against rabbits (Octolygus cuniculus).
This research was conducted by extracting taro leaves using the maceration method and conducting phytochemical screening including flavonoids, saponins, tannins and steroids. The gel formulation consisted of 3 groups, namely 5%, 10% and 20% thick extract of taro leaves and used positive control and negative control. Induces hot metal on rabbit backs (Octolygus cuniculus). This study used 5 male rabbits. Male rabbits weighing 1.5 - 2.5 kg. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) divided into 5 treatment groups, namely group 1 positive control given bioplacenton gel, group II was negative control given HPMC gel base, group III was given gel with taro leaf extract concentration of 5%, group IV is given a gel with a concentration of taro leaf extract by 10% and group V is given a gel with a concentration of taro leaf extract by 20%.
The results of taro leaves phytochemical screening contained flavonoids, saponins, tannins and steroids. The results of statistical analysis were carried out using the One Way ANOVA test, which obtained a significant value of pvalue = 0.000 and continued with the LSD test. Based on the results of the study, it was stated that the gel with ethanol extract had the activity to accelerate the healing of type II burns in rabbits as shown in formula II and formula group III. Formula III is the most optimal formula compared to formula I and formula II. Formula I had the highest percentage of cure at 69% with taro leaf extract content of 20%.
Keywords: Burns, taro leaf extract, Colocasia escluenta L, Rabbit, Octolygus cuniculus