Abstract :
Prescription screening is a series of activities carried out by pharmacists to understand and realize the possibility of medication errors that might be able to harm patients. Therapeutic appropriateness is the suitability of diagnosing and administering therapy based on therapeutic guidelines to protect patients and the public from irrational drug use in order to keep the patient safety.
This study aims to determine the description of prescription screening and the appropriateness therapy through nasopharyngitis patients at one of Public Health Centers in Jombang during January-June 2019. This research was qualitative research and the data collection was carried out retrospectively. The sampling method was taken using the random sampling method which obtained as many as 129 recipes.
The results of this study show that the prescriptions which the administrative requirements are 100% appropriate are the patient's name, patient's age, patient's address, doctor's name, SIP number, doctor's sign, date of the prescription, and the room / unit of the prescription made, however inappropriateness one is the gender of the patients which shows in the number of 58, 13% and the body weight of the patients in the number of 45.73%. Based on the pharmaceutical prescription requirements which show 100% appropriateness are the accuracy of the indication, dose and time of use, there was no duplication of medication, allergies and interactions, contra-indications and addictive effects, yet what was not appropriate is the drug side effect of 93.79%. Based on clinical requirements, 100% compliance was the accuracy of the indication, dose and time of use, there was no duplication of medication, allergies and interactions, contra-indications and addictive effects, however drug side effects show in the number of 93.79%. Then, the appropriateness of the therapy which consists of the right indication, the right type of the drug, the right dose, the right method and duration of administration shows 100% appropriateness. The results of this study are expected could improve the quality of service towards patients, in order to prevent medication errors and protect the patients from irrational treatment.
Key words: Prescription screening, appropriateness of therapy, nasopharyngitis