Universitas Kadiri
Sulistyowati, Wiwik Dinah
RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology
2021-11-16 02:48:59
Abstract :
Drug management is an important aspect in pharmaceutical services. Medicines should be optimally managed to ensure the achievement of the right type, amount, storage, time of distribution, use, and guality in each health service unit. Drug management in Puskesmas including: planning, requesting, receiving, storing, distributing, destroying and withdrawing, controlling, administration, monitoring and evaluation of drug management. The purpose of this study was to determine the result of evaluation of drug management in health center in Jombang distric and the factors that influece by using 8 indicators.
This research uses observational method with descriptive approach. Interviews and questionnaires with the management of Puskesmas drug as primary data and LPLPO, RKO, annual reports, drug stock cards, list of drug price, and daily records of drug use as secondary data.
The drug management system in the Jombang distric healt center still does not meet the standars set because the result obtained: the accuracy of drug planning 59,89%; the level of availability drugs 83,17%; the suitability of available drug item with DOEN 2017 99,58%; the everage percentage time of drug emptiness 27,60%; the accuracy of drug distribution 73,01%; the percentage of drug not prescribed 6,19%; the percentage of expired drugs 3,62% with a value Rp. 27.609.635,00; and the percentage of drug damaged 0,26% with a value Rp. 53.893,00. The drug management system in the Jombang distric healt center is influenced by several factors namely: the lack of proper drug planning, miscalculation of drug needs, lack of communication, waiting time of arrival drugs, and short expiration periods of drug.
Keywords: evaluation, drug management, Puskesmas