Evaluasi Pemakaian Antibiotik Di Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Baptis Kediri Periode April - Juni 2021
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Universitas Kadiri
Ardiyanti, Yenny
RM Therapeutics. Pharmacology 
2021-11-16 07:29:06 
Abstract :
A Hospital is a health service institution that provides complete individual health services that provide outpatient and emergency services. Emergency services are services in hospitals that function in medical actions needed by patients. Antibiotics as one of the main treatments in the management of disease. The purpose of this research was to describe the use of antibiotics and to evaluate the use of antibiotics in the Emergency Installation of Baptist Hospital Kediri. This research used is observational research with a descriptive approach. Prospective data collection from observations when the patient entered the ER and observed during the patient's stay. The data was obtained at the beginning of the study, then observations were made following the incident while being given antibiotics. The results of the research of antibiotics that are often used are Cefalosporin (67.1%) and Quinolones (25.9%), while the types of antibiotics that are often used are Ceftriaxone (31.0%) and Levofloxacin (24.1%). The suitability of antibiotics compared to those stated in the Guidelines for Controlling the Use of Antibiotics is 100% appropriate. The expected benefits of this research, can provide a reference for future research and maintain the suitability of the use of antibiotics in hospitasl and to be a reference guideline for the use of antibiotics. Keywords: Emergency Room, Antibiotics, Hospital 
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Universitas Kadiri