Pengaruh Dosis Agen Hayati Tricoderma SP. Dan Pupuk Organik Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Produksi Tanaman Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Varietas Servo
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Universitas Kadiri
Pangestu, Rangga Aji Putra
S Agriculture (General) 
2021-11-06 02:07:52 
Abstract :
Tomatoes are plants that will grow well if the needs of nutrients needed are met. Trichoderma sp. Mushrooms that have many benefits include being a decomposer where Trichoderma is able to decompose organic matter into a simpler bottom for plants. The purpose of this study was to find out the interaction between doses of Trichoderma sp. and organic fertilizers against the growth and yield of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The study was conducted factorially using a RandomIzed Group Design (RAK) consisting of two factors, namely: Factor I dose of the biological agent Tricoderma sp. (T) T0 : 0 kg / ha (0 g / plant) T1: 15 kg / ha (0.33 g / plant) T2 : 30 kg / ha (0.67 g / plant). Factor II Organic Fertilizer (O) O0: 0 kg/ha (0 gr/plot) O1: 300 kg/ha (27 gr/plot) O2: 400 kg/ha (36 gr/plot). Of the two factors, there are 9 combinations of treatment repeated 3 times. 1) There is a real interaction in the combination of treatment of biological agents Tricoderma Sp. and organic fertilizers in variable quantities of fruit harvest age 62 and 65 hst, weight of fruit per plant at harvest age 65 hst and 68 hst, fruit diameter at harvest age 71 hst. Treatment of doses of tricoderma sp. 0.67 g/ plant and organic fertilizer 36 g/ plot provide the highest average yield on variable number of farmed fruit, fruit weight per plant and diameter of farm fruit during harvest (62 hst to 74 hst) Keywords: Organic Fertilizer, Tomato, Trichoderma sp 
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Universitas Kadiri