Universitas Kadiri
Hapsari, Yustisia Pratika
HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
2021-11-10 04:08:52
Abstract :
Disaster Risk Reduction has an important role in the stage of Disaster Management and in order for its implementation to be carried out properly, it is necessary to have a Regional Regulation as a legal umbrella to support the implementation of Disaster Management in the community. Therefore, this study aims to describe and analyze how the implementation as well as the inhibiting and supporting factors for the implementation of the Kediri Regency Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Disaster Management as an effort to reduce disaster risk in Kediri Regency.
This study uses a qualitative approach with inductive descriptive method, which is a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior. The research location was carried out at the Kediri Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency with data sources obtained from sources who were employees of the Kediri Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency and disaster documents that could be used as references.
The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Kediri Regency Regulation Number 1 of 2016 concerning Disaster Management as an effort to reduce disaster risk in Kediri Regency in its implementation has been running relatively well, which we can see from the communication, resources, disposition and organizational structure owned and has been implemented by the Kediri Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency. In the implementation process, inhibiting factors were also found, including the wrong mindset of disaster management, community disaster knowledge that is still minimal, human resources (HR) specifically in the field of disaster are still lacking and Standard Operational Procedures (SOP) are still incomplete. However, there are also supporting factors in the implementation process, namely the implementation of bureaucratic fragmentation, good communication, the dedication and responsibility of the implementer, the assistance of human resources in the implementation and support for adequate infrastructure and budget.
Keywords : Disaster Risk Reduction, Implementation, Communication, Disposition, Resources, Bureaucratic Structure