Upaya Posyandu Dalam Mewujudkan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Studi Penelitian di Desa Kaliboto Kecamatan Tarokan Kabupaten Kediri)
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Universitas Kadiri
Parwati, Septyana Dwi
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-01-22 03:17:00 
Abstract :
This research aims to describe and analyse the efforts of Posyandu in realizing public health in the village of Kaliboto District Tarokan Kediri, as well as to describe and analyse factors that impede the efforts of Posyandu in realizing the health of people in Kaliboto village. The focus on this research includes the program of POSYANDU activities, socialization and counseling. The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach. The speakers were in 3-person research. The data collection techniques in this study include interviews, observations, and documentation written in Field records. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques refer to Miles and Huburman (2016). The results of this research show that Posyandu in the village of Kaliboto in realizing public health has a purpose by improving the welfare of mothers and children to emphasize the decline in mortality rates in mothers and infants with the establishment of various programs posyandu activities. Posyandu effort is by the existence of an activity program that has been established from the Government, so that the program is mandatory to be implemented regularly. The socialization efforts were posyandu cadres by informing the community about stunting cases, so that the people know that the case is considered one of the problems of severe health in children. Then Posyandu efforts in counseling by conveying to the public about KB (family planning) and the needs of children, as well as the benefits of PHBS (clean and healthy life behavior). While the obstacles encountered are lack of facilities and infrastructure, lack of cooperation between cadres, and lack of budget from the village government. Keywords: posyandu, barriers, posyandu programs, socialization, counseling. 
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Universitas Kadiri