Abstract :
The Kanjeng Jimat - Jalan Raya Bendorejo section is a road that connects the Rejowinangun road to Pogalan, and the route to Tulungagung Regency, so this traffic density causes the need for a study of road service levels and how traffic safety is on Jalan Kanjeng Jimat - Jalan Raya Bendorejo. Trenggalek Regency. The purpose of this study regarding the above problems is mainly to observe the level of service of this road through traffic volume and through accident report data. Knowing the causes of accidents that occurred on the Kanjeng Jimat - Jalan Raya Bendorejo section.
Through analysis in accordance with the Indonesian Road Capacity Manual method (MKJI, 1997), it was found that the level of service at the peak hour on this road is level C, with a degree of saturation (DS) of 0.72 which is a stable condition. And service level A is taken the average traffic flow of vehicles per day, with a degree of saturation (DS) of 0.274 which is a stable condition.
From data obtained from Satlantas (Unit Laka) Trenggalek Police, which then records the incidents of accidents from 2016 to 2019 which are spread over 6 km of this road. Also found here are Accident-prone Locations at Km 0 + 000,4 + 200, 6 + 000 Bendorejo intersection.
Keyword : MKJI 1997, Service Level, Black Spot.