Abstract :
The use of bitumen was widely used in road construction in Indonesia. Moisture ? fed asphalt results in lowered durability and qualitative qualities. Concrete asphalt results from road rifts that are a suitable, well-built alloy of heavy vehicles, and mixed temperatures sdetermined by the type of asphalt to be used. The study provided a new innovation in content replaced with the jenitri seeds in 0%, 3%, 6%, and 9% variations with temperature variations 60?C and 100?C. The research method used in this study is the experimental method used with the jenitri seed instead of the filler, testing was done by being put into a water bath and then marshall?s. The purpose of this study is to look at the output of the filler levels of the jenitri seed and the temperature differential. Based on the study, the use of jenitri seeds to replaced fillers that have been tested with marshall?s devices and met the specification?s value is 3% variation filler at 60?C with a VIM: 3,78% VMA: 21,3% VFB: 82,26% Stabilitas: 3608kg Flow: 3,13mm MQ: 1151,49kg/mm.
Keywords: Jenitri Seeds, Temperature Variations, Marshall Test, Filler