Abstract :
In general, humans are the company's most important assets and the driving force behind a course, company or organization to achieve its goals. Therefore, in order for the company to achieve its goals, the company must be able to manage human resources well that will affect employee performance and achieve planned goals in the future. Compensation is anything that is received by employees for services that have been provided to the company. Forms of compensation that companies can provide to employees can be in the form of salaries, facilities. The purpose of this study is to determine compensation, work environment, and whether compensation affects the performance of employees at the company Dina Swalayan Ds.Plosoharjo Kec.Pace Kab.Nganjuk Regency
In this study the technique used in sampling is the Saturated Sampling method. Another term for saturated sampling is the census, where all members of the population are sampled. From the results of the partial test analysis using SPSS obtained the significance value of the Compensation variable (X1) is 0.006. The significant value of variable X1 is 0.006 <0.05 then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that X1 partially has a significant effect on Y so that compensation has an effect on employee performance.
Keywords: compensation, work environment, and employee performance