Universitas Kadiri
Berek, Anastasia Paskalia
HD28 Management. Industrial Management
2022-01-27 04:27:25
Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of brand image, price, service quality on customer satisfaction at guyo btc coffee shop in South Jakarta. The population in this study are all customers who come to visit, buy directly, and buy more than once at the store in March 2020 a number of 75 respondents, because less than 100 then the whole is taken and made a sample. Data analysis method using the validity test and questionnaire reliability, multiple regression analysis, f and t test and coefficient of determination. From the test results obtained brand image, price, service quality have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction with a value of f count 38,839> 0.227 (f arithmetic) and a significance value of 0,000. partially brand image, price of service quality has a positive effect and significant value of the significance value of the brand image variable with a significance value of 0.539 greater than 0.05 so that brand image has no effect on customer satisfaction, sig value of the price variable is 0.929 greater of o, 05 so that the price does not affect kepua and customer, sig value of service quality is 0,000 so that it is smaller than 0.05 so it has an effect on customer satisfaction. The get adjusted R-square value (coefficient) of 0.939 which means that the influence of the independent variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y) amounted to 93.9%
Keywords: brand image, price, service quality, customer satisfaction