Profil Pengobatan Pasien Hipertensi Dan Kesesuaian Dengan Pedoman Terapi Di Puskesmas Sukorame
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Universitas Kadiri
Ulandari, Bella Novita
RS Pharmacy and materia medica 
2022-01-28 02:16:20 
Abstract :
This study aims to determine the treatment profile of hypertensive patients and the suitability of treatment based on therapy guidelines at the Sukorame Health Center in December 2019. This type of research is a descriptive non-experimental study with a total sampling technique and a total sample size of 175 patients was obtained with data collection based on the patient's medical record. The data was carried out descriptively, resulting in percentage figures for the class of antihypertensive drugs, types of antihypertensive drugs, and the suitability of treatment with therapy guidelines in December 2019. The results showed that the pattern of treatment for hypertensive patients with single treatment was 116 (70.3%) 5 mg amlodipine, 34 (20.6%) 10 mg amlodipine, 10 (6.1%) captopril 12.5 mg. Treatment pattern of hypertensive patients with combination treatment of 2 mg of amlodipine + 25 mg of hydroclortazide, 1 (10%) of Amlodipine 5mg + 20 mg of Furosemide, 1 (10%) of Furosemide 20 mg + 8 mg of candesartan, 20 mg of Furosemide + 1 (10%) 100 mg spironolacton.1 (10%) Amlodipine.5 mg.+ 1. (10%) Amlodipine.5 mg + candesartan.10 mg.Amlodipine + 1 (10%) irbesartan 150 mg, Irbesartan 150 mg + Bisoprolol 5 mg as much as 1 (10%), and Bisoprolol 2.5 mg + Lisinopril 10 mg as much as 1 (10%). The results obtained on the suitability of treatment of hypertensive patients with therapy guidelines at Sukorame Public Health Center, namely 100% correct patient, 100% correct indication, 100% correct dose, 95.4% correct drug and 98.85% correct frequency. Keywords: Hypertension, appropriateness of therapy, treatment profile. 
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Universitas Kadiri