Abstract :
To be able to take care of facial skin to the maximum, it takes knowledge about the cosmetics that will be used. Not all the ingredients in a suitable cosmetics with skin types. If no match happens, then there will be irritation or side effects. The selection of improper cosmetics can be detrimental, to the onset of side effects. This error is supported by the easy access to buy cosmetics. Online shop and cosmetics store and more flourishing. A lot of products promising quick effect, low price. This study aims to determine the level of public knowledge on cosmetics, whether or not the incidence of side effects the skin also, whether there is any relationship between the two.
This research was conducted in the village of Kalianget, district Banyuglugur, Situbondo. A total sample of 385 which fit in the inclusion criteria, random sampling using a questionnaire. The variables studied were the level of public knowledge on cosmetics, and side effects of the skin.
The results showed the level of public knowledge on cosmetics in the category of ?enough? with a percentage of 61,1 %, the incidence of side effects of cosmetics on the skin amount to 40% of the total sample, and analysis with the chi-square value Asymp.Sig 0.000 < 0.005 to that there is a relationship the level of public knowledge in cosmetic preparations against the side effects of the skin in Kalianget village, district Banyuglugur, Situbondo.
Keywords : cosmetic, level of knowledge, side effects, Situbondo