Peran Kepolisian Dalam Upaya Menanggulangi Tindak Pidana Minuman Keras (Studi di Polsek Gondang)
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Universitas Kadiri
Sukoyo, Titanica Ristianingtyas
K Law (General) 
2022-01-29 04:10:33 
Abstract :
This study aims to find out how to control the circulation of liquor in Nganjuk District especially in Gondang District and the obstacles experienced by the Nganjuk District Government in reducing the level of liquor distribution in Nganjuk District. There are several problems that will be examined in this study, namely how the role of the police in efforts to tackle the crime of drinking in the District of Gondang and how to sociological analysis in the effort to control the distribution of liquor in the District of Gondang. This research uses sociological legal research. Source of data used are primary data obtained through interviews and secondary data describing primary law. Sales and distribution of liquor always occur every year. Liquor is a drink that contains dangerous chemicals at low prices. Sales and distribution of liquor must be immediately eradicated so as not to cause casualties. The results of the study show that the efforts and strategies used in hard law enforcement are using pre-emptive, preventive and repressive measures. There are factors in law enforcement efforts, namely supporting and inhibiting factors. These supporting factors include the active role of the community in reporting and making complaints against law enforcement, while inhibiting factors include lack of public awareness, habits of the public in consuming alcohol and the effectiveness of penalties given to sellers and alcohol dealers that have not yet had an effect deterrent. The advice given from this research is that there is a need to change the regional regulations of Nganjuk Regency regarding liquor, especially against sanctions in these regional regulations and it is expected that these regulations can be accepted and obeyed by the people of Nganjuk Regency. Keywords: Sociological law, Liquor, Control effort, Law enforcement factors. 
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Universitas Kadiri