Abstract :
Education is an effort to develop personality and abilities inside and outside school and lasts a lifetime. Education can be obtained through formal or informal education, while knowledge is the result of human sensing or the result of someone knowing about certain objects through their senses. Most of a person's knowledge is obtained through the senses of hearing (ears) and the senses of sight (eyes). The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a relationship between the level of education and the level of knowledge of parents about self-medication for fever in children using paracetamol in the Pojok village of Kediri City in 2021.
In this study using a population of 190 people with a sample of 129 people where the sampling technique with purposive sampling is more precisely the simple random sampling method. The research instrument used is a questionaire with the education and knowledge data scale is ordinal and the statistical test used is the Spearmen rank test to see the relationship between the two variables.
The results showed that the P value (0.000) was less than alpha (0.05), so it was concluded that the hypothesis as H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected. It can be interpreted that there is a relationship between the level of education and the level of knowledge of parents in self-medication of fever in children using paracetamol in Pojok Village, Kediri City. 2021 year. With a correlation coefficient value of 0.563 or it can be interpreted that the correlation coefficient is moderate with a positive relationship direction, namely the higher the education level of the respondent, the higher the level of knowledge of parents in self-medication of fever in children using paracetamol.
Keywords: Education Level, Knowledge Level, Self-Medication