Evaluasi Pemberian Informasi Obat Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien Pada Unit Layanan Farmasi Puskesmas Tembelang Kabupaten Jombang
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Universitas Kadiri
Abadi, Lukman
RS Pharmacy and materia medica 
2022-03-02 04:00:42 
Abstract :
This study aims to evaluate the influence of Drug Information Provision and its effect on Patient Satisfaction in the Pharmaceutical Services Unit of Puskesmas Tembelang Jombang District in 2020. In line with the problems and hypotheses of the study, this study was conducted using the design of a survey that is research that takes samples from one population and uses questionnaires as a means of collecting basic data. In this study used a sample of 379 patients. Sampling techniques in this study use purposive sampling techniques. Respondents are a source of research data that provides information about their opinions. All tests use the SPSS 23.0 computer program help. The result was obtained that drug information has an effect on patient satisfaction in the Pharmacy Service Unit of Puskesmas Tembelang Jombang Regency and factors that affect drug information services (PIO) to patient satisfaction is the degree of understanding of patients in receiving information based on gender, age, education and gender. Keywords: Drug Information, patient satisfaction, and Puskesmas. 
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Universitas Kadiri