Abstract :
Every construction project has a certain implementation plan, when the implementation of the project should start, when it should be completed and how the project will be carried out, because of that problems will arise if no plans have been made with the actual reality. The most common occurrence or problem is the delay in project completion. The time delay that has been set by the parties in the agreed contract for the completion of the project. The purpose of this study is to analyze the delay in the implementation of the Road Landslide Handling Project 028.15 Ir. Soekarno Km. 185 Kabupaten Ngawi by identifying the factors that cause delays. The method used to analyze the delay is the Fault Tree Analysis method, which functions to identify each of the factors that cause delays and to find probability values. The probability value obtained from the analysis using the Fault Tree Analysis method is 1,2624 with 4 main events with 16 the basic event cause delay and with 3 dominant basic events has a probability of 0.6
Keyword : Construction project, Delayed, Fault Tree Analysis, Probability