Implementasi Kebijakan Survei Penyusunan Disagregasi PMTB 2019 Di Kabupaten Nganjuk
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Universitas Kadiri
Wafa, Mohamad Allamul
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-25 06:48:00 
Abstract :
One of National Priority at 2019 is Development of Business and Tourism, Investment Climate Improvement program and employment building need physical investment or called gross fixed capital building (PMTB) that disagregated by institution and business field. For fulfill the data requirements so The governmen instruct The central Statistic Agency (BPS)to apply PMTB Survey. The central Statistic Agency (BPS)of Nganjuk District is representative of The central Statistic Agency (BPS) at district city has implemented PMTB Disagregation Survey at 2019. PMTB 2019 Disagregation Survey is public policy that taken by BPS to provide the data that needed by the Government. The public policy must meet the requirements role of Public policy.According to George Edward III in Widodo (2010:96) there are four factor that influence the implement public policy are successful or failure that is (1) communication, (2) resource, (3) Disposition and (4) bureaucratic structure. The results showed that the Implementation of agregating PMTB 2019 Disagregation Survey Policy in Nganjuk Distric: Communication has already well, the process of communiation has been done comply with the principles of transmission, consistency and clarity. The resource has already well, The resource covers a Budget resources, human resources (HR), equipment resources and authority resources already well, there is a little note that resource covers a Budget resources not well enough. Disposition has already well, all officers involved have a strong will to carry out their duties seriously, the the officer recruitment process has been carried out properly according to the Standart Of Procedure (SOP). The bureaucratic structure has already well, there are the guidelines of operational procedure book for survey activities including the implementation manual has completed. Keywords: implementation, policy, communication, resources, disposition, bureaucratic structure 
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Universitas Kadiri