Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam, Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PRODAMAS) Di Kelurahan Mojoroto Kecamatan Mojoroto Kota Kediri
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Universitas Kadiri
Gomes, Afonso
H Social Sciences (General) 
2022-04-26 02:31:51 
Abstract :
The aid program that is usually carried out by the government for the community uses the up-bottom principle (from top to bottom), this development method turns out to be a complicated problem that does not solve the core problems of the development concept itself, one of which is the emergence of community apathy. Now, the step to change the development model with a bottom-up approach is the key to the success of a community empowerment-based development. The PRODAMAS program offered to the community is a new way for the Kediri City Government to encourage active community participation at the neighborhood (RT) level, this method has proven to be a way for people to build a living environment according to real needs in the field. This research will describe the level of community participation in planning, implementing and monitoring the PRODAMAS program in Mojoroto Village, Kediri. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method, with a qualitative verification format to construct data findings in the field with various theories that are relevant to the context. Data collection techniques used interviews with selected informants, namely the head of the Mojoroto Village, the Head of the RT, the Head of the RW and local community leaders. Data analysis used a four-stage interactive model, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study found that community participation in the PRODAMAS program in Mojoroto Village is relatively high, these findings are based on observations on the three stages of participation which can be described as follows: participation in planning is relatively high, residents are very enthusiastic about participating in the planning process for program implementation, socialization and community discussions are held. to discuss the prodamas plan. Furthermore, participation in the implementation also shows that the conditions are good, the implementation of PRODAMAS is in accordance with the Budget Plan and refers to the technical specifications. Meanwhile, the supervision participation is also good, the community participates in supervising the use of development results and goods purchased from the PRODAMAS program, overall community supervision can be seen from the entire planning process to the implementation of PRODAMAS. Furthermore, it can be described that the most prominent community participation in Mojoroto Village is participation in planning and implementation of PRODAMAS, this is from the very dominant role of the community in planning and implementing programs in each RT, while at the monitoring stage the role of the community is not too large, structurally. Supervision has been carried out on the bureaucratic elements from the urban village level to the Kediri City level. Keywords: community participation, prodamas 
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Universitas Kadiri