Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to analize existing drainage channel conditions in accommodating rainwater runoff discharge and drainage channel dimensions in Merdeka street, Sumengko Village, Sukomoro Sub-district, Nganjuk District. This activity is expected to be able to solve the problem of water supplay in the area. The research methods used descriptive quantitative, namely the method of calculation and reduction of the results of field data processing. Data collection is done by collecting daily rainfall data from 3 rainfall registering stations and direct observation at the research location..
Analysis of rainfall distribution is done by Normal distribution, Log Normal, Log Pearson III and Gumbel Type I. Which will then be tasted for conformity with the chi square test. The result of rainfall who qualifies is Log Person III distibution with rainfall value equal to 111,025 mm. With Mononobe formula, the value of intensity of rainfall is equel to 29,40 mm/hour.
The result of this study obtained flood discharge plan (Qr) by using a rational formula to a return period of 10 years obtained value of 0,41 m3/sec while canal capasity (Qs) in the Merdeka street obtained result of 0,12 m3/sec to Qs