Abstract :
This study aims to determine the effect of price and packaging on purchasing decisions on Boy PR cigarettes. Alfi Putra in Trenggalek. The population in this study were all Boy cigarette consumers in Trenggalek City. In this study using the Lemeshow formula n = Z? x P x Q / L2 the results of 96 respondents were sampled. This sampling method uses a sampling technique based on non-probability sampling using a purposive sampling approach that is a deliberate sampling technique. Because this study is the sample is Boy cigarette consumers with the criteria established by researchers.
Based on the results of this study found the following regression equation: Y = -6,923 + 0.727X1 + 0,992X2 + e
Based on statistical data analysis, indicators are valid and reliable. In testing the most influential variable is the packaging variable with a regression coefficient of 0.992, while the price variable obtained a regression coefficient of 0.727.
Keywords: Price, Packaging, and Purchase Decision