Kualitas Pelayanan Wifi Gratis Oleh Dinas Komunikasi Informatika Dan Statistik Kabupaten Ponorogo
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Universitas Kadiri
Laily, Yaen Miftakhul
HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare 
2022-11-25 03:33:54 
Abstract :
Public Service is reflection of efforts to satisty the community as well as the requirements demanded by the government for the welfare of the community as service recipients. The quality of service delivery has an impact as a measure of the extent to which quality services have been provided because the government is a service organization to the community. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach method. The focus of this research the quality of free wifi services located in Ponorogo District Square, Ponorogo City Park, and Sukowati Park Ponorogo regency as seen from the five dimensions of public service quality according to Zeithaml, namely Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. The data sources in this study were 10 key informants, namely the Head of the Infrastructure and ICT Section, and 9 community members as users of free wifi services as well as supporting informants. The results showed that the free wifi service by the Department of Communication, Informatics and Statistics, Ponorogo Regency was relative of high quality, although there were still problems such as the tangible elements that the facilities provided were inadequate and the lack of public awareness to maintain shared facilities. Keyword : Service Qualilty, Public Service, Free Wifi Service 
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Universitas Kadiri