Abstract :
Ngares Village is one of the villages in Trenggalek Regency, this village is known as a village that produces coral or crushed stone. One of the uses of coral or stone is found as a construction material. The purpose of the research obtained is to determine the aggregates in Ngares Village, Trenggalek Regency and to determine the characteristic value of the Aphalt Concrete Binder Course (AB-BC) mixture using materials from Ngares Village, Trenggalek Regency based on marshall values. Aphalt Concrete Binder Course (AC-BC) research. The results showed that the use of assistance from Ngares Village, Trenggalek Sub-district as a substitute for coarse aggregate met the specifications of the Ministry of Public Works (2018) because the abrasion test results were below 40% of the maximum test object and obtained an aggregate wear value of 27% for suppress the deformation pressure because it has values for all Marshall parameters, namely: VMA (17.26), VIM (4.091), VFB (65.238), Stability (1981.62), Flow (2.83), Marshall number (68.247). So that the aggregates from Ngares Village, Trenggalek Regency are good for use in a mixture of building and road construction1. Provides insight into the effect of abrasion values and aggregate characteristic values by using Ngares Village rocks for the AC-BC layered asphalt concrete mix.
Keywords : AC-BC mixture, Specifications of the Department of Public Works (2018), Number of collisions, los angeles abrasion, agregat