Abstract :
Concrete is one of the construction materials that continues to develop, every day there are always new innovations for chemical additives that are useful for improving the quality of concrete in general. This study aims to determine how much influence Admixture Master Rheobuild 6, Master Rheobuild 6 is one type of additional chemical that works as a Non-Air Entraining Plasticizer which functions to increase the quality of concrete, reduce water use, and increase the slump value. This study aims to determine how much influence Admixture Master Rheobuild 6 has on the mechanical behavior of concrete, how it affects the workability and compressive strength of concrete. (workability) will affect the strength of the concrete. Therefore, the desired workability depends on the composition of the water in the concrete mixture which in this case is related to the slump value. To get a high (workability) high slump value is needed too, but a high slump value sometimes causes a decrease in the compressive strength of the concrete so that the quality of the concrete is not achieved. The research method used is research conducted by conducting a direct experiment conducted at the Civil Engineering Laboratory, Kadiri University. In this study 9 specimens were cylinders with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 30 cm, 3 samples each for each variation, with the addition of Master Rheobuild 6 0.75%, 2.0%, and 2.5% of the weight. semen. The optimum slump value decreased by 19,5 cm. The increase in the compressive strength of concrete to the age of 28 days with variations of the Master Rheobuild 6 additive obtained the optimum value of 35.99 MPa.
Keywords: concrete, compressive strength, slump