Abstract :
Viewed because the benefits of adding additional ingredients are directly proportional to the current concrete needs, the use of additional materials is an important step in the process. By using an experimental approach and, this study was conducted to compare the cost efficiency and the effect of using the additive Master Glenium Ace 8111 on a concrete mix fc' 31.2 MPa. The test object is cylindrical in shape with a height of 30 centimeters and a diameter of 15 centimeters. Mixed variation of Master Glenium Ace 8111 is 1.5% and 3% by weight of the cement used. At the age of 28 days the test was carried out. Slump was tested for fresh mix concrete, while compressive strength was tested for hard concrete. The results showed that the addition of MasterGlenium Ace 8111 with a percentage of 1.5 percent, with a slump value of 0.9 cm and fc' compressive strength of 37.41 Mpa, produced the highest compressive strength.
Keywords: Master Glenium Ace 8111, Compressive Strength