Abstract :
In the implementation of construction projects there is often a discrepancy between the schedule of plans and the realization in the field, so it can cause delays. One way to anticipate inaction is to accelerate. In the Nganjuk Regency Pace Puskesmas Development Project, there are indications of instability in structural work.An alternative acceleration is carried out using the crashing method with the addition of working hours, from three hours to five hours without any additional manpower. The analysis was carried out by looking for critical trajectories using Microsoft Porject and then crashing to get the cost slope value of the work that was on the critical trajectory. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the addition of 3 hours of work hours (overtime) was the most optimal in terms of time and cost. The total costs incurred are Rp. 2,589,770,570,- or greater than Rp. 55,699,470,- from the initial cost plan of Rp. 2,534,071,000,- with a completion time duration of 52 working days or 15 days earlier than the plan duration of 67 days. The addition of 3 hours of working hours (overtime) was chosen to maintain the quality of labor productivity the next day because it was impossible to increase labor.
Keywords:Acceleration, Critical Trajectory, Increased Working Hours, Microsoft Project