Abstract :
The objective of this study is known the effectiveness of word wall strategy on students speaking proficiency for 7th grade at SMPN 1 Pinoh Utara. The ability of students in speaking have to master several categories such as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and pronunciation. In learning speaking at junior high school can be used with many media to improve students speaking skills. One of media that use by the researcher is the word wall media in teaching learning English, especially in speaking proficiency. In this study using two variables, they are an independent variable is the word wall strategy and dependent variable is speaking proficiency. This research was conducted to 50 students that divided into two classes, namely the experimental class (25 students) and the control class (25 students). The writer used purposive sampling to apply a non-random sample sampling population by determining certain criteria, based on the students? English score below 70. The researcher conducted six meetings to test the effectiveness of the used of word wall strategy for the student?s speaking proficiency. The writer collected the data using test and documentation. The data was analyzed by using hypothesis from the value of t-test and N-Gain. Hypothesis test shows that teaching word wall strategy on students is effective for the speaking proficiency students. This can be seen from the result of test score, it shows that the experimental group which given treatment using word wall strategy as media of learning got higher score that N-gain 0.354, compared with the control group who did not give the same treatment. This class got N-gain 0.227. Based on the t test with the result of significant, it was found that sig.(2-tailed) 0.032 < 0.05. Because of sig.(2-tailed) 0.032 < 0.05 there was the differences between the result of study by using word wall strategy for students speaking proficiency. It means that teaching using word wall strategy is effective when it was applied in the process of teaching English on speaking. According to this study, the researcher give suggestion to the teacher in other to improve the creativity of teaching English. It gives the contribution to English teacher that teaching speaking using word wall is more interesting. For students, the word wall strategy helps them to master speaking ability because they can try to speak easily. This will be useful for long term studies that seek to measure student?s ability to develop skills in learning English using word wall strategy.