An Analysis Of Moral Values In “Hachiko A Dog Story” Movie
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Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan
Sri, Okta Mulian
420 Bahasa Inggris dan Inggris kuno (Anglo-Saxon) 
2023-02-23 14:19:02 
Abstract :
Moral, Value, MovieThe existence of literary works in Indonesia is currently growing very rapidly. This can be seen from a variety of works of quality and new literature that are circulated well, especially in education. Literature has its own benefits for the readers because a literary work can be used as entertainment for the audience, one of them through a movie and from the movie itself we can reveal the moral value of each movie itself. In this study the researcher analyze the moral values in ?Hachiko a dog story? movie, because with existence of this moral value will form a good character in the personality of society or students. This study used descriptive qualitative research design because it can produce the procedure of analysis that does not use the procedure of statistical analysis or the other quantitative way. To determine the moral values in the movie, the researcher used the script of the film, and the procedures are as follows: First, watching the movie several times accordingly. And then, determine the script containing the moral values in the movie. The last, collecting references relevant to the analysis of the movie. The result of this study, the researcher has found some moral values in this movie that are faithfully, caring, and love. In the movie the researcher has found 12 scene showing loyalty based on the movie script. Faithfully is the choice of life. Faithful requires a great deal of sacrifice and struggle. From the movie the faithful of a dog to his owner teaches us not to forget the goodness given to us, next caring and the researcher has found 18 scenes showing caring based on the script, and caring that is the ability to help to survive by giving what we can give. The last is love the researcher has found 16 showing love in the movie based on the script, and love is a good trait that inherits all goodness, feeling of compassion and affection. In the movie ?Hachiko a Dog Story? much love shown by Professor Parker to the people around that made the people feel very lost when he died. Literary works provide ample research opportunities. Therefore, it is suggested for future researchers who are interested in literary works to conduct analysis of different aspects. As this research focused on movie and the analysis of moral values, future research can be conducted to analyses other literary works. The researcher hopes that moral values can be useful for moviegoers and readers of this research as a guide in their lives to become a person who is much better than before. Finally, this study can be one of a good reference since this study analyzed about moral value found on ?Hachiko a Dog Story? movie. 

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Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan