The Use Of Picture Series To Improve Students’ Speaking Ability
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Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan
Djapalata, Elisabeth Bela
420 Bahasa Inggris dan Inggris kuno (Anglo-Saxon) 
2023-02-23 14:19:08 
Abstract :
Improve, picture series, speaking abilityThis study aimed at Improving students? speaking ability by using picture series. In conducting the research, the researcher used Classroom Action Research (CAR) as the design of research. This research was conducted in two cycles and each cycle consisted of four meetings. The subject of this research was the students at the eighth grade of SMP Kristen Petra Malang consisted of 25 students. The instruments to collect the data were observation checklist, speaking test and questionnaire. The students? response showed that they were interested and felt easier in learning speaking ability using picture series. In cycle I, the implementation of picture series was not successful because not all students could achieve the criteria of success. There were 17 students (68%) who did not passed the test yet and 8 students (32%) who pass the test. Therefore the cycle was continued to the next cycle. The result of cycle II was better than cycle I. Cycle II was successful. There were 24 students (96%) who passed the test and 1 student (4%) who did not pass the test. Based on the result above, it could be concluded that using Picture Series can improve students? speaking ability. Based on the result the study, the researcher suggested to the English teacher to use this strategy using picture series to improve students? speaking. Teacher should create a good technique or strategies in order to stimulate the students? achieve participation and improve their speaking ability. Additionally, the researcher suggest to the future researchers to conduct a research by using picture series with some changes in term of different skill, such as writing, reading, vocabulary and grammar. And also, conducting in other research design such as experimental research. 

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Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan