Abstract :
Feedback, direct feedback, indirect feedback, writing abilityThis research aimed at investigating the effect of different modes of feedback on students? writing ability in writing class. Writing skill is regarded as the most complicated skill to be mastered. The students not only have to think of the content and organization of a text but also language use dealing with structure, vocabulary, and mechanics. This study was conducted in SMP An-Nur Bululawang 2017/2018 academic year. To conduct this study, there were two classes divided into groups: Experimental group which consisted of 25 students were treated using direct feedback and control group consisting of 25 students got indirect feedback. The two scores of students? writing ability were computed by using independent sample t-test used to measure whether there was a significant effect on students? writing ability. The result showed that the students taught using direct feedback got better achievement than those taught using indirect feedback. The result of the computation was 0.000. It means that there was a significant effect on students? writing ability who were taught using direct feedback and the students who were taught using indirect feedback technique. The findings show that the students made progress in their writing abilities in terms of content, organization, vocabulary, grammar and mechanic after being treated using Direct feedback. The conclusion in this finding is with direct feedback, the students are able to improve their ideas or opinions in writing. The content of their texts also increased and it is also easier for the students to finish their texts. Also, a feedback helps them revise their texts with better grammar. It is suggested that English teachers should help the students in writing by giving good feedback. They need also to have close relationship with the students in the classroom when they have writing class. Then future researchers need to have further research to know about feedback in the classroom.